Parents are our forever role models! According to Mr. Ringle Leung, Director of HealthyMind Parents Academy, children are constantly – even subconsciously – tuning in to their parents’ behaviour, attitudes, and feelings. This makes it crucial for parents to manage their own emotional responses. Mr. Leung suggested the following useful tips on managing emotions for positive parenting in the video:
- Identify and express emotions: Many studies show that pinpointing our emotions accurately can considerably reduce the intensity of our negative feelings.
- Do deep breathing exercises: Deep breathing exercises, mindfulness and mediation courses can help us relax and ease our tension.
- Apply multi-dimensional thinking: Helplessness arises when the only solution we can think of fail to solve a problem. Thinking from different angles may be a remedy in such cases.
- Express emotions in appropriate ways: Different people express themselves in different ways (e.g. talking to others, being alone) to release pent-up feelings.
Stay tuned for updates on when EduMakers App will be open to all parents, ensuring that everyone can benefit from its valuable resources and opportunities.
(The opinions expressed by the interviewee do not necessarily reflect the views of the organiser.)